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 Responsible Gaming


Gambling Questionnaire

DIS88 is actively working to provide players with a high-quality entertainment platform. The purpose of these questions is that we have installed and upgraded a number of safety facilities to ensure the fairness of our games. We encourage customers to understand the status of customers' gambling hazards by answering our questionnaire:

  • Do you gamble because you avoid work and study?
  • Do you gamble because you are bored or unhappy?
  • When you finish your betting, do you feel that your money has been lost or you want to bet again as soon as possible?
  • Will you gamble until all your money is lost?
  • Do you lie to borrow money, or even steal for gambling?
  • Have you deliberately concealed the time and money you spend in gambling?
  • Are you unwilling to spend your bet on other things?
  • Have you lost interest in family, friends and hobbies?
  • If all your bets are finished, will you feel that you will win back the money you lost as soon as possible?

If most of your answers are "yes", you may be addicted to gambling. We suggest you:

  • Regarding gambling as an entertainment and leisure project
  • Avoid continuous losses
  • Have their own knowledge of gambling
  • Arrange your time and energy in gambling reasonably

You can also go to GamCare's website to find out more about the solution of gambling problems in an enlightened way.

For some customers who want to stay away from gambling temporarily, we will provide a self-exclusion function. You can apply for account closure for six months to five years. Please click "Contact Us" on the webpage, and our customer service staff will bring you more information.

Age restriction:
Gambling is prohibited for people under the age of 18. DIS88 will keep inquiring about the age information proof provided by the customer. If the age proof is found to be inconsistent with the one provided by the customer, we will close the customer's account and freeze the remaining Of funds. As the laws and regulations vary from place to place, we recommend that customers read the local laws for inquiries before playing gambling games.

DIS88 recommends prohibiting you from opening multiple accounts, anonymous user names, and the abuse of passwords.

Parental monitoring:
There are many parents and guardians requesting to filter the Internet. We recommend the following website:

Net Nanny software can protect children from inappropriate websites:
CYBERsitter will allow parents to set up a segregated website:

